Sri. V.Venkata Srinivasu

Designation: Assistant Professor

Date of Birth: 18-05-1983
Date of Joining: 08-06-2009
Research Interests: Image Processing

Ph.D in IT [Pursuing] - Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
B.Tech, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
M.E, Bangalore University, UVCE, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Total teaching experience in this college: 15 Years and 9 Months.
Total experience : 15 Years and 9 Months. (as on 14-03-2025)

Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Term of Patent Date of Filing Date of Publication Status
1 Method and System for Providing Blockchain-Based Secure Data Sharing and Collaboration Platform V. Venkata Srinivasu India 202341067412 -- 07-10-2023 24-11-2023 Published
2 Method And System For Utilizing Artificial Intelligence(Ai) Techniques For Implementing Predictive Analytics In Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Based Smart Farming V.Venkata Srinivasu India 202141054063 -- 24-11-2021 10-12-2021 Published
3 An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant(ICSA)to Predict and Sketch the Programming Code. V.Venkata Srinivasu India 202041054862A -- 17-12-2020 01-01-2021 Published
4 Enhanced Fingerprint Authentication System By Gabor Filter And Classification Dictionaries Learning V.Venkata Srinivasu India 202041047364A -- 29-10-2020 06-11-2020 Published

Internaltional/ National Journal Publications:(SCOPUS Indexed-1)
  1. Shaik Johny Basha, Samineni Bhavani, Venkata Srinivasu Veesam, Rachna Behl,Tamminina Ammannamma, "Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic's Impact on Physical and Psychological Health of Humans", Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), ISSN: 1309-4653, pp. 4688-4697
  2. V.Venkata Srinivasu, B.Satish Babu, "A Relative Study on the Segmentation Techniques of Image Processing", International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends Vol 4, Issue 5, May 2017,PP 155-160, ISSN(online): 2349-7084.
  3. Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu and Veesam Venkata Srinivasu, "Intelligent Farm Irrigation System", International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Vol. 7 Issue 3, June 2016 Summer Special Issue, pp.258-263, ISSN: 2278-621X.
  4. Veesam Venkata Srinivasu and Bandaru Satish Babu, "Evaluation of Captcha Technologies towards Graphical Password Scheme", International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends, Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb, 2015. ISSN: 2349 - 7084.
Internaltional/ National Conference Publications:(SCOPUS Indexed-1)
  1. V.Venkata Srinivasu, presented a paper on "Security Enhancement of Digital Signatures for Blockchain using EdDSA Algorithm" in the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks(ICICV-2021) organised by Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India on 04-06 February 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
Memebrship in Scientific and Professional Societies:
  • Life Member of ISTE
Workshops/Paper Presentations attended

  • Attended one day workshop on "Python" held at the R.V.R. and J.C. College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur on 22 June 2019 organized by Teaching Learing Centre(ICT) at IIT Bombay.
  • Attended a one day blended mode workshop on "Moodle Learning Management System" held at the R.V.R. and J.C. College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur on 15 March 2019 organised by the Teaching Learning Centre(ICT) at IIT Bombay.
  • Attended short term course on 'High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering' conducted by computer centre, IIT Kanpur from 25 February to 01 March 2019.
  • Participated in One week AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/refresher program on "Research Methodology, Design and Analysis of Experiments" conducted by Mechanical Engineering Department, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh from 12th to 17th November 2018.
  • Participated in Two Day Workshop on "Ubuntu Essentials" organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CIET, LAM, Guntur during 30th September to 1st October, 2016.
  • Participated in Two Day Workshop on "Big Data Analytics" organized byDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, UCET, ANU, Guntur during 9th to 10th December, 2014.
  • Participated in Three Day Workshop on "Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Its Applications" (under TEQIP-II) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Warangal during 11th to 13th October, 2014.
  • Participated in AICTE Sponsored Three Day National Workshop on "SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Using LabVIEW" organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 11th to 13th November, 2013.
  • Participated in Three Day Workshop on "Emerging Trends in Mobile Computing - From Mobile Application to Context Aware Computing" (Under TEQIP-II) organized by Department of Information Science & Engineering, MSRIT, Bangalore during 26th to 28th September, 2013.
  • Participated in AICTE Sponsored National Workshop on "NANO TECHNOLOGY-A FUEL FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY" organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 20th & 21st September, 2013.
  • Participated in Three day Workshop on "Research Methodology in Computer Science" (Under TEQIP-II) organized by Department of Information Technology, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupathi during 28th to 30th, June 2013.
  • Participated in Two Day National Level Workshop on "Recent Research Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology" organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology, University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram during 21st and 22nd June, 2013.
  • Participated in Two Day National workshop on "CYFOR-2013" organized by the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, AUCE(A), Visakhapatnam during 26th and 27th April, 2013.
  • Participated in National Workshop on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS" organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 17th & 18th April, 2013
Faculty Development Programs/Refresher Course Attended:

  • Participated in two weeks National Level STTP on "Full stack AI & Deep Learning Practioner Approach" from 7th June 2021 to 19th June 2021 organized by Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram.
  • Participated in three weeks International FDP on "Research Perspectives on AI, ML, Data Science & IoT" from 17th May 2021 to 05th June 2021 organized by Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram.
  • Participated in One-week Faculty Improvement Program on "Embedded Systems" sponsored by APSSDC organized by GIET, Rajahmundry, during 29th November to 4th December, 2016.
  • Participated in Four-week Faculty Development programme on "Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning" conducted by IIT Bombay, during May 2nd to July 10th, 2016.
  • Participated in Ten Day Workshop on "Theory of Computation" organized by E & ICT Academy, Department of CSE, NIT Warangal during 18th January to 27th January, 2016.
  • Participated in Faculty development program on "Faculty Enablement Program" conducted by Infosys Technologies Limited held at Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences, Visakhapatnam from 30th May- 3rd June, 2011
  • Participated in Faculty development program on "Induction Training for young faculty" Organized by Indian Society Technical Education (ISTE) Chapter " at RVR & JC College of Engineering during 7st and 8nd Sep, 2009.
Books Published:
  • Sri V.Venkata Srinivas, Sri Veeranna Kotagi, Sri Krishna Gudi authored a book entitled "Video Summarization using singular Value Decomposition" published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-978-613-7-32427-1
Awards / Honors received:
  • Conferred an "Award of Excellence" sponsored by SAP India Pvt. Ltd. in four week AICTE approved FDP on "Use of ICT in education for online and blended learning" by IIT Bombay under the National Mission on education through ICT(MHRD) May 2nd-July 10th, 2016.
Contact Details:

  • EMail: vvsv @
  • Phones: +91 94929 03731 Ext: 351