Dr. V.Sesha Srinivas

Designation: Associate Professor

Phone: +91-863-2288201 Ext: 322,
E-mail: vangipuramseshu@gmail.com

Date of Birth: 29-11-1975
Date of Joining: 06-09-2006
Research Interests: Datamining, Algorithms, Machine Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms

2018 Ph.D, JNTUA, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2008-2010 M.Tech, ANU Affiliated College, Andhra Pradesh, India.
1997-2000 MCA, Madurai Kamaraj University Affiliated College, TamilNadu, India.

Total teaching experience in this college: 18 Years and 6 Months.
Total experience : 24 Years and 6 Months. (as on 01-04-2025)
  • Working at Rayapati Venkata Rangarao & Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Engineering since 2006
  • Worked as Lecturer at Christu Jayanthi Jubilee Post Graduation College during 2003 to 2006
  • Worked as Lecturer at Tellakula Jalaiah Polisetti Somasundaram College during 2000 to 2003
  • Worked as visiting faculty at Indira Gandhi National Open University College at Guntur from 2001 for 6 years
Subjects Taught:
    System Software, C++, Operating Systems, Micro Processors, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, C, UNIX, Data Structures, Interactive Computer Graphics, Embedded Systems, Mobile Computing, Data Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Guest Lecture Delivered:
  • Delivered an invited guest lecture on "Introduction to Programing" to the students of 12th, at Dr. KLP Public School, Guntur, on 21stJuly, 2022.
  • Delivered an invited guest lecture on "Data Warehousing" to the students of MCA, at the Department of Computers, Hindu College, Guntur, on 24th September, 2014.
Contribution to the Institution
  • Department BOS member
  • Sports committee member
  • Joint Secretary for intra departmental coding contest committee
  • Acted as Class Teacher for many batches
  • Monitored and mentored student industrial visits
Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Term of Patent Date of Filing Date of Publication Status
1 Method and System for Providing Multimodal Interaction Assisted Autonomous Intelligent Virtual Assistant Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas India 202441006264 -- 31/01/2024 09/02/2024 Published
2 Method and System for Implementing Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Efficiently Managing Stock Trading Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas India 202141054027 -- 23-11-2021 10-12-2021 Published
3 An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant(ICSA)to Predict and Sketch the Programming Code. Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas India 202041054862A -- 17-12-2020 01-01-2021 Published

Academic Achievements
  • Acted as coordinator for the workshop on "C AND C++" conducted by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IITBombay, on 29th Feburary 2020
  • Received certificate with 'A' Grade on completion of course on 'Algorithms' organised by the IIT BombayX, an online learning initiative of IIT Bombay, during 13 Sept - 4 Nov 2016.
  • Received certificate with 'A' Grade on completion of course on 'Implementation of Data Structures', organised by the IIT BombayX, an online learning initiative of IIT Bombay, during 12 July - 9 Sept 2016.
Achievements (Extra Curricular)
  • Bagged runner trophy (Chandu's Cup-2002), a state wide cricket tournament for college lecturers, representing TJPS as Lead Captain
  • Received best bowler award in (Chandu's Cup-2008) and a member of the winning team, representing RVRJC
  • Received best all-rounder award in (Chandu's Cup-2009) and a member of the winning team, representing RVRJC
  • Stood fourth in the APCTBT (Andhra Pradesh College Teachers Badminton Tournament) and received best player award in the year 2015
  • Stood fourth in the APCTBT (Andhra Pradesh College Teachers Badminton Tournament) and received best player award in the year 2016
  • Stood first in the shuttle tournament organized by AP State Engineers Association on the occasion of Engineers Day-2016
  • Associate member, The Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (The IRED)
  • Member, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
  • Member, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
  • Member, Internet Society
  • Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
International/National Journals(10)(Scopus Indexed-3, WoS-2)
  1. Keerthi Ketheneni, Padma , Parimala Garnepudi, Laksmikanth Paleti, Sesha Srinivas V, Naga Raju Burla, Srinivas O., Venkata Ramana , Srikanth Meda, "Crop, Fertilizer and Pesticide Recommendation using Ensemble Method and Sequential Convolutional Neural Network", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2024, 12(2), pp. 473 - 485.
  2. Prabhakar Kandukuri, Dasari N. V. Syam Kumar, V. Sesha Srinivas, Chilukala Mahender Reddy, Kranthi Kumar Singamaneni, "Binary Image Classification on Fashion-MNIST Using TensorFlow-Quantum and CIRQ", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2024, 12(1), pp. 720 - 727.
  3. J. Ravindra Babu, Bhargavi Peddi Reddy, Vangipuram Sesha Srinivas, A. L. Sreenivasulu, K V S S Ramakrishna, D N V Satyanarayana,C.D.Varaprasad, "Current Challenges And Future Directions In Artificial Intelligence For Imaging Informatics", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15th November 2023. Vol.101. No 21.
  4. Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas, R S M Lakshmi Patibandla Dr. M. Pompapathi and Smt. M. Chaitanya, "Google Assisted Digital Notice Board using IoT", Telematique, Vol 21, No 1 (2022), https://www.provinciajournal.com/index.php/telematique/article/view/69 (Web of Science)
  5. Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas, Dr. M. Pompapathi , G. Srinivasa Rao and Smt. M. Chaitanya, "Blockchain-based e-Agro Intelligent System" International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security(IJCSNS), VOL.22 No.7, July 2022, DOI:10.22937/IJCSNS.2022.22.7.42 (Web of Science)
  6. Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, B.Satish Babu, R S M Lakshmi Patibandla, "Mammographic Image Segmentation using Automatic Evolutionary Algorithms", Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 3, 2021, Pages. 4058 - 4066.
  7. T.V.N. Prasanna , R S M Lakshmi Patibandla, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, B.Tarakeswara Rao, "GRADIENT CALCULATION FOR QUANTUM CIRCUIT USING TENSOR FLOW QUANTUM", Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 7 | Pages: 222-232.
  8. V.Sesha Srinivas, Dr.A.Srikrishna, Dr.B.Eswara Reddy "Evolutionary Image Segmentation with Dimensionality Reduction" , International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems JARDCS, Vol 9 , Issue 4, pp 348-357, Dec 2017.(Scopus Indexed)
  9. Dr.A.Srikrishna and V.SeshaSrinivas "A Survey on Design Paradigms to solve 0/1 Knapsack Problem", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 11, ISSN 2229-5518, November-2016.
  10. Dr.A.Srikrishna, V.Sesha Srinivasan, Rajiv Jetsyn, "A naive Fuzzy clustering method for pixel segmentation by using Differential evolution", International Journal of Advanced Trends in computer Science and Engineering, Vol.3, no.5, pp. 5-10, oct.2014, ISSN 2278-3091.
  11. A.Srikrishna, B. Eswara Reddy, V.Sesha Srinivas, "Automatic Feature Subset Selection-Using Genetic Algorithm for Clustering", International journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol.9,no.1, pp.85,July.2013, DOI:01.IJRTET.9.1.5.
  12. Dr.K.Karteeka Pavan, V.Sesha Srinivas, A.Srikrishna and B.Eswara Reddy, 'Automatic Tissue Segmentation in Medical Images using Differential Evolution", Journal of Applied Science, Vol-12, issue-6, pp:587-592, 2012, ISSN NO: 1812-5654, DOI:10.3923/jas.2012.587.592.(Scopus Indexed)
  13. V.Sesha Srinivas "Graphical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Computational Estimation in AI Alloys", International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, Volume 3, Issue Number 1-2 / 2010, Pg. No.131 - 143.(Scopus Indexed)
International/National Conferences (09)(Scopus Indexed-5, WoS-5)
  1. V.Sesha Srinivas, "Automatic Machine Learning: An Exploratory Review" has presented a paper in 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO) Amity University, Noida, India. Sep 3-4, 2021(Scopus, Web of Science)
  2. V.Sesha Srinivas, "Automatic Clustering Simultaneous Feature subset Selection using Differential Evolution" has presented a paper in International conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks held on 22nd-23rd February, 2018 at Amity University, Noida, India.(Scopus Indexed, Web of Science)
  3. V.Sesha Srinivas, Dr.A.Srikrishna, "Automatic Feature Subset Selection for Clustering Images using Differential Evolution" presented in IEEE 1st International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE MIPR 2018) to be held at Miami, FLORIDA, USA during April 10-12, 2018.(Scopus Indexed, Web of Science)
  4. Dr.A.Srikrishna, D.Swapna, Mr.V. Sesha Srinivas, presented a paper on "A Survey on Local Patterns for Signature Verification" Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Chennai, during 6-8 April 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ICCSP.2016.7754234.(Scopus Indexed, Web of Science)
  5. Dr.A.Srikrishna, Dr.B.Eswara Reddy,Mr. V.SeshaSrinivas, "Detection of Lesion in Mammogram Images using Differential Evolution Based Automatic Fuzzy Clustering", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICCISC-2015), organized by Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (IBCB), Visakhapatnam, during 19-20 Dec. 2015. DOI, 10.1007/978-981-10-0308-0_5.(Scopus Indexed, Web of Science)
  6. Sri V.Sesha Srinivas, Asst. Prof., has presented a paper on "A naive Fuzzy Clustering Method for Pixel Segmentation by using differential Evolution", at International conference on Advances in computer Science and Software Engineering on 10th October 2014, organized by St. Ann's College of Engineering & Technology.
  7. N.V.B.T.Sundari, T.Jyothi, M.L.Priyanka, V.Sesha Srinivas, "Image Segmentation of Dermatitis Images for Diagnosis Using Differential Evolution", International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Sciences-2012, pp: 920-923.
  8. D.Amulya Bhanu, A.Jyothi, D.Tejaswini, Dr.A.Srikrishna, "Image Enhancement Methods for old manuscripts with the damaged Background", International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Sciences, 2012, pp: 917-919.
  9. V.Sesha Srinivas "Clinical Data Mining - An Approach for Identification of Refractive Errors", Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008 Vol I IMECS 2008, 19-21 March, 2008, Hong Kong.
Book Chapters:
  • Pneumonia Prediction Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms - Publication date: 2022, Book: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Pages: 103-116, Publisher: Springer, Singapore (Scopus)
  • An Overview of Ontology-Based ArtificialIntelligence Services in Health Care Systems - INTERNET OF THINGS AND MACHINE LEARNING - "INTELLIGENT INFORMATION RETRIEVAL FOR HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS" Publisher: Nova
  • Industry Maintenance Optimization Using AI - Computational Intelligence Applications for Software Engineering Problems (Scopus)
Seminars/Workshops attended/organized:
  • Attended a coordinator's workshop on "C AND C++" conducted by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IITBombay, on 15th Feburary, 2020
  • Attended a workshop on "NBA" conducted by IITBombay, during 17th June to 21st June, 2019
  • Attended a workshop on "Deep Learning", conducted by CSE/IT/MCA departments, RVR&JC CE, in association with BENNET University during 23rd February to 24th February, 2019
  • Attended an FDP101x: "Foundation program in ICT for education" and FDP201x: "Pedagogy for online and blended teaching learning process", conducted by IITBombay during 15th September 2018 to 7th January 2019
  • Attended a one week FDP on "Deep Learning" organized by the Dept. of CSE, KHIT, Guntur, during 12th November to 17th November 2018
  • Participated in "Algorithms" a course of study offered by IITBombayX, an online Learning initiative of IIT Bombay, during 13th September to 04tth November, 2016
  • Attended a workshop on "IBM Cloud Computing" conducted by APSSDC, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh during 17th October to 26th October 2016
  • Participated in "Implementation of Data Structures" a course of study offered by IITBombayX, an online Learning initiative of IIT Bombay, during 12th July to 09th September, 2016
  • Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Data Structures and Algorithms" organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with E & ICT Academy, NIT - Warangal during 16th to 21st May, 2016
  • Participated in one-day workshop on "Innovations in Technology" organized by ITE & C Dept., Govt. of AP, JNTUA, Anantapur on 9th December, 2015
  • Participated in a national seminar on "Development of Tools Using Biomaterials for Medical Applications" organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 18th to 19th September, 2015
  • Participated in a three-day training program on "Hands on Evolutionary Algorithms Using MATLAB " organized by the department of Computer Applications & Computer Society of India, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada during 10th to 12th September, 2015
  • Participated in a two-week workshop on "ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms" organized by IIT - Kharagpur during 27th April to 30th May, 2015
  • Participated in SAGTE sponsored workshop on "Foundation of Random Processes & Video Analytics Applications" organized by the department on Computer Science and Engineering, V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada during 29th & 30th April, 2015
  • Participated in a one-day national workshop on "Advances in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development[ACESD]" organized by the department on Chemical Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur on 7th Feb. 2015
  • Participated in the 2nd international workshop on "Computer Vision & Machine Learning " organized by the department on Mathematics and Computer Science, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning from 10th to 13th Dec. 2014
  • Organized a national workshop on "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition" at RVR&JC college of engineering, Guntur during 21st and 22nd April 2014
  • Participated in an AICTE sponsored national seminar on "Advances in Biomaterials for Medical Applications" organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, RVR&JC college of engineering, Guntur during 14th and 15th March 2014
  • Participated in an AICTE sponsored national workshop on "Nano technology-A Fuel for chemical Industry" organized by department of chemical engineering, RVR&JC college of engineering, Guntur during 20th and 21st Sept. 2013
  • Presented a paper entitled "A novel approach for generation of electronic power using PV cells and storage" organized by the department of chemical engineering, RVR&JC college of Engineering, Guntur during 21st and 22nd June 2013
  • Attended the course work on "Research Methodology" organized by JNT University, Anantapur, during 20th to 25th Aug. 2012
  • Presented a Technical Paper titled "Image Segmentation of Dermatitis Images for Diagnosis using Differential Evolution" at International conference on "Recent Advances in Computer Science" Organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, MCA, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry on 30th and 31stMarch 2012
  • Participated in a national workshop on "Market Oriented Cloud Computing and the Aneka Platform" organized by the department of CSE, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur on 226th and 27th Dec. 2011
  • Participated in a FDP on "Best Practices in IT Project for FP Project Implementation" at Malineni Lakshmaiah Engineering College by Institute for Electronic Governance on 22nd and 23rd April 2010
  • Participated in the one-week program on "Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing" using IBM Infosphere organized by the department of CSE conducted by Key Soft Solutions during 30th Nov to 7th Dec. 2009
  • Participated in a three-day national workshop on "Soft Skills" conducted by dept. of TP&IR under the Auspices of TCS, HP, and Andhra Bank during 15th to 17th Nov. 2007
  • Organized an international workshop on "Trans-disciplinary Education and Research" at Andhra University College of Engineering (Autonomous) Visakhapatnam during 23rd and 24th Oct. 2007
  • Participated in a national seminar on "Intelligent Systems" organized by department on Computer Applications, Christu Jayanthi Jubilee P.G. College on 30th Sept. 2005
Contact Details:
EMail: vss @rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 7382323001 Ext. No: 354