Dr. Bh.Krishna Mohan

Designation: Associate Professor
Date of Birth:01-04-77
Date of Joining:24-07-08
Research Interests: Software Engineering
Ph.D, Bharathidasan University,Trichy (TN),India.
M.Tech, JNTUK Affiliated College, Andhra Pradesh, India.
MCA, Bharathidasan University,Trichy (TN), India.

Total teaching experience in this college: 16 Years and 7 Months.
Total experience : 16 Years and 7 Months. (as on 14-03-2025)
Industry Experience: 5 Years

Membership: IAENG, SDIWC
Patent Applications Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Term of Patent Date of Filing Date of Publication Status
1 An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant(ICSA)to Predict and Sketch the Programming Code. Bh.Krishna Mohan India 202041054862A -- 17-12-2020 01-01-2021 Published
2 Fml- Prediction: Fitness Prediction Using Machine Learning Bh.Krishna Mohan India 202041005632 -- 10-02-2020 14-02-2020 Published

Papers published in Journals/Conferences:(Scopus Indexed-1)
  1. M. Durairaj and B.H. Krishna Mohan, "Stock Market Data Analysis Using Random Forest and Deep Learning-RNN Models", Journal of Xidian University, , ISSN:1001-2400, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, pp:1333-1343, 2020, https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/139 (Scopus Indexed)
  2. Dr.M.Durairaj and B.H.Krishna Mohan, "A Review of Two Decades of Deep Learning Hybrids for Financial Time Series Prediction", International Journal on Emerging Technologies, Vol 10, Issue 3, pp 324-331(Scopus Indexed)
  3. Sri.B.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, B.Srilakshmi, D.T.Subbareddy, "Probe Packet Security for wireless and mobile Ad-hoc Networks", International Journal of Advanced Research and Innovation(IJVRIN), pp 526-530, volume-7, Issue-1, no-1, May 2014.
Workshops attended:
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan has attended FDP on "Data Analytics for Real Time Syatems(DARTS-2020) from 26th-30th December, 2020 organized by Goel Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan has attended One Week FDP on "R-Programming" from 25th-29th May, 2020 organized by Sri Vidya Nikethan Engineering College, Tirupati in Association with IIT Bombay
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan has attended Two Week online FDP on "Data Science using Python" from 15th-24th May, 2020 organized by Lakireddy balireddy College of Engineering
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan has attented one day workshop on "THE POWER OF QUESTIONS" organized by IEEE Education Society Chapter, Hyderabad in collaboration with IEEE Guntur Sub Section on 18th Feb 2020.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan has attented one week FDP on "JAVA Fundamentals and JAVA Programming", during 4th-8th September, 2018 organized by University College of Engineering, JNTUK, Narasaraopeta.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Asst.Professors, attended an FDP on 'Foundation Program in ICT for Education' conducted by IIT Bombay, during March 8- April 12, 2018.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, attended a2-Week Development Programmeon'Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting and Environment Friendly Process Technologies for Sustainable Development organized by the department of Chemical Engineering, RVRJCCE, during 23October to 4 November, 2017.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Asst.Professor attended a one-week Short term course on 'Multimedia Tools and Utilities through ICT' organized by the Dept. of CSE, RVRJCCE,National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research(NITTTR), Chandigarh, during 27- 31 March, 2017.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Asst.Professor, one-week Workshop on 'Mobile Application Development Using Android' organized by the Dept. of IT, Sri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram, during 16 - 21 Nov., 2016.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Asst.Professor , two-day National Workshop on 'Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities' organized by the Dept.of Science and Technology, VVIT, during 30 Sep. - 1 Oct., 2016.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, Two-week ISTE STTP Workshop on 'Effective Mentoring of Online Students in Computer Programming', organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 5th February - 15th April, 2015.
  • Mr.Bh.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, Two day National Workshop on 'Social Network Mining and Analysis' organized by the Department of Computer Science and Technology, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, 29 - 30 January, 2015.
  • B.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, Two day National level workshop on "Privacy and Security in cloud Computing" organized by Department of Information Technology, GITAM University, Hyderabad, during 22-23 March, 2013.
  • B.Krishna Mohan, Assistant Professor, National Conference on 'Recent trends in Information Technology' (NCRTIT2K15),conducted by the Department of Information Technology, Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada,25th March,2015.
Contact Details:
EMail: bkrishnamohan [at] rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext:391